Book review of Ghaddar (غدار ) Novel written by Karshan Chandar,,,, Review by Dr Shazia Kanwal
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Book review of Ghaddar (غدار ) Novel written by Karshan Chandar,,,, Review by Dr Shazia Kanwal |
A young and energetic young businessman from Lahore, naming Bej Nath Singh came on vacation to his grandparents’ homeland. Where this pacifistic man despite having so many differences i.e being married, father of two kids and from hindu community was in love with a young muslim girl named Shadah. Life was going on well singing the breathtaking and blooming songs of love, happiness and harmony with ethereal beauty of nature. But all of the very sudden these families were caught in the the storm of partition which uprooted families and destroyed lives across the subcontinent. Driven out from his ancestral village by hostile muslim mobs; people who were once living together and were not willing to obey the orders of few feudal lords who for their own benefits were in favour of divinding the land of Hindu-Muslim brotherhood.
But now being attacked by these muslim mobs on 5th of August 1947 Bej Nath leaving behind his family, beloved and his village burning down into ashes, tried to escape in another city, but there were no safe havens left for him anywhere and the land everywhere turned hostile and a combat zone for him.
یکایک مجھے محسوس ہوا جیسے پنجاب ایک بوڑھا ہے ایک سفید ریش کسان ہے جس کی داڑھی میں تفرقہ پردازوں نے آگ لگا دی ہے۔ پنجاب جل رہا ہے اور اُس کی عزت و حرمت جل رہی ہے۔
Hopelessly be reached his ancestral village but here again was forced to leave forever. He realised that his land no longer belongs to him and he had to left his hometown otherwise will be chopped down like thousands of other people in the name of political barbarism, which claim the land to be divided in the name of religion for the benefit of very few feudal lords. Looking at the dead body of his grandfather at the doorstep of his own house he felt doomed; a person who has nothing left with him. His family escaped and there was nothing left at his village.
دوسرے لمحے میں وہاں کچھ نہ تھا۔ تخت پوش خون کے دھبوں سے بھرا تھا۔ کٹھولے اوندھے پڑے تھے اور دیوار سے لگی اُلٹی چارپائی پر ریشم کا اڈہ نامکمل تھا۔
While travelling and searching for a safe haven for him in his own land he witnessed thousands of heart wrenching blood shedding scenes of both hindus and muslims who were once living together in harmony for centuries. ُ
ہوا میں برچھے چمکے اور بڈھے مسلمان کا جسم چار ٹکڑوں میں تقسیم ہوگیا ۔۔ مرنے والے کی زبان پر آخری نام خدا کا تھا، اور مارنے والے کی زبان پر خدا کا نام تھا ۔۔ اور اگر مرنے اور مارنے والوں کے اوپر، بہت دور اوپر کوئی خدا تھا تو بلاشبہ بے حد ستم ظریف تھا
Bej Nata Singh while running from his hometown was constantly followed by a pregnant bitch, to whom Bej nath Singh bashed and surprsingly said
تو کتیا ہے تجھے کوئی ڈر نہیں ۔۔ تو انسان تھوڑی ہے کہ تجھے اپنی جان کا ڈر ہو ۔یہ تو سب تہذیب کی باتیں ہیں ۔ اونچے مذہب اور اخلاق کے جھگڑے ہیں ۔ یہ تلوار تو بہت بلند اصولوں کی حمایت میں نکلی ہے ۔۔ شکر کر کہ تیرا گلا اس سے کاٹا نہ جائے گا ۔ شکر کر تو غیر مہذب ہے، جاہل اور بے اخلاق ہے ۔ شکر کر کہ تجھے یہ نہیں معلوم مذہب کیا ہے ۔ تو نے کبھی سندھیا نہیں کی ۔ کبھی پانچ وقت نماز نہیں پڑھی ۔ تو کبھی کسی گرجے، مندر، مسجد نہیں گئی ۔ تو نے کبھی آزادی کا مفہوم نہیں سمجھا ۔ کبھی کسی سیاسی لیڈر کی تقریر نہیں سنی ۔ شکر کر کہ تو کتیا ہے ۔۔ انسان نہں ہ
On his way he witnessed thousand of helpless and hopeless people who were being left by their families on the mercy of God as they were too old or sick to travel along them. He saw an old man who was shouting for help, an injured young women who was screaming in pain and was asking for mercy to be killed by anyone passing by to ease her pain forever.
“ویرا۔۔میری جان پہلے مجھے مار دے”
As after a long struggle Bej Nata reached the Ravi bridge, He met his lost family members excluding his sister who was being kidnapped by the muslims. While thinking of taking revenge of his kidnapped sisiter and younger son’s death, He saw a que of boys and man insulting and humilating a muslim girl till her death. Where he heard that girl screaming
“وے بھراوا میں تیری بہن آں۔ وے ویرا میں تیری بہن آں۔”
After a while He joined a Hindu caravan who would fight against muslim migrants waiting to cross bridge Ravi. In a fight agaisnt muslim migrants he saw an old man running fast with his child, he caught him, and the old man started crying and pleaded for forgiveness. Bej Nath Singh was reluctant to killed him but meanwhile old man was seen by Bolo who killed him violently.
Early in the morning he once again went to the same battle field where he saw the dead bodies of women, children, and men. While he was walking near the dead bodies, he heard a crying child. He searched for him, and took that crying child with him. As he reached the bridge, he started asking himself where should I go, Bej Nath? There is a storm of humiliation and holaucast. if I run, where should I go? Now being with this innocent muslim child, I am neither part of Pakistan nor India. Both the countries would not accept me. There is no humanity left for me and this child. Finally, he thought that his final destination is humanity which would be achieved one day. A day will come And i along with this child would have to stay alive to see the light of dignity and humanity once again in this shattered homeland.
The child looked at him in astonishment and asked
« چاچا ! تو مجھے روٹی دے گا؟
ہاں ، میں تجھے روٹی دوں گا۔
میں نے اسے بھرائی ہوئی آواز میں کہا،
روٹی جو ہم دونوں میں مشترک ہے۔
He lifted the baby with both hands, kissed him gently and walked towards the valley of hope where the sun does not set.
Read: End To Kabul War
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